Growing up my mum always got out the video camera and took footage of birthdays, christmases and other online casino australia legal real money important events. Once I was old enough to appreciate what she did with that big bulky bit of equipment way back in the 80’s I’ve wanted to record my life events to show my children and family as its been a great way to relive past […]

Youth Mobility Visa Ultimate Guide
Over 3 years ago I posted about how to apply for a Tier 5 UK Youth Mobility Visa (previously called the working holiday visa) as an Australian. I’d struggled with finding the correct information so thought to share my experience with the world in the hopes it would help somebody else. The response to my posts has been nothing short of amazing since then so to all of you who’ve […]
Moving To London
Moving to London was more daunting than any other move I’d ever undertaking in my life. Before I’d move to study or relocate to the city because it’s just what you do. But moving 2 hours drive from home or even another state in Australia is nothing compared to moving to London, one the biggest international cities around on the other side of the world. In the interest of helping […]
Career Advice from Travelling
Career advice from travelling? I know what your thinking but go with me on this for a minute there’s a message in here. Some people look at travel and the people who do it and think WOW aren’t they lucky. Their off seing the Eiffel Tower in Paris, floating around in the Dead Sea or just enjoying a beer somewhere famous and you can’t help but be jealous of them. It’s […]
Anzac Day at Gallipoli, Turkey
Anzac Day… one of the most solemn days for any Australian or New Zealander as we stop to remember our fallen soldiers at Gallipoli in Turkey during the First World War. The battle at Gallipoli lasted some 8 months between the Anzacs (Australian and New Zealand Army Corps) and the Turkish Ottoman’s who were allied with Germany at the time. On just the Australian side over 8000 lives were lost […]
Bank Accounts and National Insurance Numbers
Before I planned my big moving to London adventure I was concerned about all the paperwork I’d have to fill out just to work here. Bank Accounts I understood, but the National Insurance Number seemed completely foreign to me. The National Insurance Number (think Tax File Number Australians) is required by your employer and while used for tax purposes it also gets you access to free health services should you […]
Read More...A Guide To Help You Travel Abroad In 2015
At the beginning of the year many people start putting a lot of thought into what they plan to do with themselves for the following 12 months, their New Years resolution. School is out (perhaps for good) and you’ve hopefully wrangled a couple of weeks holiday from the office to bask in the glorious sunshine. It’s time to get wild, dream big and perhaps take those first steps in planning […]
How Do You Plan To Celebrate Christmas This Year?
As I head into my second Christmas in a row home in Australia I’ve been reflecting on how I’ve spent the last few abroad. First it was with friends I’d made in my first year of living in London, the following years with my then girlfriend and now wife and her family in Belgium chasing that elusive white Christmas. In that time I’ve been able to experience different traditions associated […]
4 Travel Gadgets You Need On Your Next Trip (Win A Pack For Yourself)
Being an ex IT guy I’m big into travel gadgets and tech I can take with me on the road. Purists will say try to leave as many gadgets as possible at home and get out there and enjoy the experience of travel, seeing it with your own eyes and not through a camera. And while I somewhat agree it’s nice to be able to capture all those memories to […]
The Problem With Making Decisions On Travel Is…
Travel is an all-consuming all desiring addiction that many of us suffer from enjoy and that’s why making decisions about it are so difficult. The allure of something new, something foreign, something to satisfy that feeling is a drug you can pursue for your entire life. But it’s not the dream that makes decisions so difficult, no no. The problem with decisions for a travel addict is choice. Many of […]
5 Things I Feared About Living Abroad
If you’ve had friends that have lived abroad for any length of time then you’ll no doubt have heard all the stories of their adventures, or at least seen the millions of pictures they have uploaded online. It’s an envious lifestyle looking at it from the outside, one week it’s Rome the next is Paris and the one after they are in Dublin. There’s a certain amount of jealousy as […]