My decision to travel and working out where to go on my first steps into backpacking territory were a piece of cake compared to the next obstacle i would cross. Breaking the news to the family that I was going to travel. Well lets be honest its breaking the news to your mum that’s what you fear most. The way I see it your brother or sister are likely to […]

Youth Mobility Visa Ultimate Guide
Over 3 years ago I posted about how to apply for a Tier 5 UK Youth Mobility Visa (previously called the working holiday visa) as an Australian. I’d struggled with finding the correct information so thought to share my experience with the world in the hopes it would help somebody else. The response to my posts has been nothing short of amazing since then so to all of you who’ve […]
Moving To London
Moving to London was more daunting than any other move I’d ever undertaking in my life. Before I’d move to study or relocate to the city because it’s just what you do. But moving 2 hours drive from home or even another state in Australia is nothing compared to moving to London, one the biggest international cities around on the other side of the world. In the interest of helping […]
Career Advice from Travelling
Career advice from travelling? I know what your thinking but go with me on this for a minute there’s a message in here. Some people look at travel and the people who do it and think WOW aren’t they lucky. Their off seing the Eiffel Tower in Paris, floating around in the Dead Sea or just enjoying a beer somewhere famous and you can’t help but be jealous of them. It’s […]
Anzac Day at Gallipoli, Turkey
Anzac Day… one of the most solemn days for any Australian or New Zealander as we stop to remember our fallen soldiers at Gallipoli in Turkey during the First World War. The battle at Gallipoli lasted some 8 months between the Anzacs (Australian and New Zealand Army Corps) and the Turkish Ottoman’s who were allied with Germany at the time. On just the Australian side over 8000 lives were lost […]
Bank Accounts and National Insurance Numbers
Before I planned my big moving to London adventure I was concerned about all the paperwork I’d have to fill out just to work here. Bank Accounts I understood, but the National Insurance Number seemed completely foreign to me. The National Insurance Number (think Tax File Number Australians) is required by your employer and while used for tax purposes it also gets you access to free health services should you […]
Read More...Travel Blogger Friday #1

There are some really great people that belong to the travel blogging community. Many have made me laugh (till it hurts), cry (OK not really) and lastly provided wonderful insight into their travel lives that I have felt like I lived it with them. Keeping with that sharing mentality. Each Friday I wish to usher you into your seats, turn down the lights and provide the popcorn while you explore […]
Where to Go

When I was still toying with the idea of traveling overseas and possibly working I was split on where to go. How do you decide what part of the great big world you want to see first? Do you think of places your friends had been too. Or do you draw ideas from internet forums, TV, movies and the like. Being that I live in Australia if your not seeing […]
My first mistake in planning to travel

GREAT I said to myself I’m going traveling around the world like I had dreams of so many times before. It was then I did what everybody does. I jumped on Google and like someone trying to diagnose their illness online, attempted to find a road map someone else had planned and solved for me. First point of call was the lonely planet website. They make all these guide books […]
Why I have decided to travel

Travel… that elusive beast that you think “hey I would love to do that”. Then reality sets in and you switch over to thinking no I could never do that its all too hard. I once thought that too. Hell it still scares the bejesus out of me thinking of all the parts I need to get organized before I go. I’ll let you in on a secret though, its […]