Italy is one place that’s a real treat to just stroll the streets of any city or town your find yourself in. Be it the popular cities like Rome, Florence and Venice or the smaller out of the way places like Lecce (where this photo was taken) way down south in Puglia. The character and charm of these cities are what really gets me. Take the photo above, walking a […]
Tag Archives | Italy
What to See and Do in Brindisi

Many of you might ask where is Brindisi before looking for things to see and do, such is its hidden status to the average tourist. To get you up to speed Brindisi is located in the Apulia (Puglia) region of Italy or the heel for those that need a bit more direction. Brindisi reminds me of what Italy might be like once you strip back the tourist curtain and get […]
A Street in Brindisi, Italy

One of the big things I love about Europe is that each street I walk down is littered with history. From the stones under your feet to the houses that line up either side and finally to the people who dwell within the walls. These streets have watched as time just passed them on by while we lived around them and I can’t help but get lost in my imagination […]
Trevi Fountain in Rome

The Trevi Fountain in Rome is one of the most famous fountains in all the world. When I stopped in Rome recently that was easy to tell as I jostled for position just to grab a shot that didn’t include a stray arm or head from the hundreds of other tourists that surrounded me. Even with so many people there the fountain really is a remarkable sight and well worth […]
The Colosseum, Iconic Rome

Rome was my last stalwart of the major iconic cities to see in Europe. I’d been to Paris, London, Berlin and many more but for some reason Rome was always the “yeah I’ll get there soon” kinda city. I don’t know why when it’s filled with such amazing sights like the Colosseum. Standing before the Colosseum, one of the most well-known symbols of Rome it’s hard to believe that it […]
How Much Did It Cost – Naples Budget
Naples Naples Naples…. I wanted to love you and that delicious melt-in-your-mouth pizza but I just couldn’t. After so much beauty in Florence, you just felt like the ugly cousin of the family I’m afraid. The up side of this is I didn’t explore as much as I should have so saved a little coin just relaxing and doing a little people watching along the shoreline. Day Transport Hostel Attractions […]