Working from home today due to the first snow of the winter season bringing London to a grinding halt, I saw a blog post feed into my rss reader than made me long for sun. Not only the sun but the beach and the relaxing afternoons that I had experienced during my trips to Asia. The blog post came from Kate at She’s just passed her 1 month on […]
Tag Archives | travel blogger
Travel Blogger Friday 28

One of the great things about my travels so far is the new friends I’ve made. From all around Europe I made new friends, some for just a few days others hopefully for a lifetime. So as I was trying to decide about where to end my travels a certain reader of my blog convinced me to change my plans and head for Italy where they were living. Given I […]
Travel Blogger Friday 27

Since leaving Australia to see the world I’ve been hard up finding time to catch up on my favorite blogs let alone dig into the internet and find more amazing travel bloggers just waiting for another reader to stop in. That’s all set to change now that I’m settled in London which means…. Travel Blogger Friday is back. This week is a shout out to a good mate here in […]
Stockholm Palace and More

When you go to bed at night you expect it to be dark. When you wake up at 10am in the morning however you would be fairly comfortable in assuming there would be light around. Yet when I woke from my slumber my first morning in Stockholm it was pitch black. Why you ask? Well I failed to notice that my dorm room had no windows the previous day. I […]
Travel Blogger Friday 26

As my trip is on the verge of ending, another is about to begin. A fellow 2010 #rtwsoon club member is about to embark on his trip starting in Europe, but this trip is in style. Joel from will be travelling via bike in Europe. Now I’ve enjoyed my train travel throughout Europe, I’ve seen amazing views along the way and been able to just relax on the trip. […]
Travel Blogger Friday 25

This week I’ve got to make up for my lack of internet presence and thank a long time supporter of everything I have done so far. As a travel community everyone helps everyone, there is no (I hope) I’m better than you mentality. I do my best to return the RT’s on twitter or comments on my blog but recently I’ve found myself floundering in returning the good will bestowed […]