If you’ve had friends that have lived abroad for any length of time then you’ll no doubt have heard all the stories of their adventures, or at least seen the millions of pictures they have uploaded online. It’s an envious lifestyle looking at it from the outside, one week it’s Rome the next is Paris and the one after they are in Dublin. There’s a certain amount of jealousy as […]
Tag Archives | living abroad
Moving to London – Getting Internet

While some still claim to leave their gadgets at home and disconnect when they set off to travel, there are a majority that cling desperately to their online life wherever they end up. When moving to London it can be your lifeline to assure the family back home that everything is fine and secondly to help you get setup in London with accommodation, a job and for finding things to see and […]
On Living Abroad

Way back in my early years when the only friends I had abroad were pen friends and getting an international student at our school was a big deal, I’ve been fascinated by living abroad. I remember looking to the sky many a time and wondering what time it was in America or Europe or anywhere really just so I could imagine what people were doing at that exact moment in […]