
Travel Blogger Friday #9

Travel Blogger Friday #9

Another Friday and another Travel Blogger name associated with my site (honest I don’t mean to tarnish your name it just happens).

Sometimes in life you just meet awesome people and want to talk to them, buy them a beer, look through their window…. not that I’d do that because its cold outside and your dog keeps trying to hump my leg.

Anyway Monica from A Pair of Panties and Boxers just launched her new look blog (so awesome go see NOW actually no, wait till you’ve commented here first) and she’s one of those awesome people.

I’ve been following her blog post’s for awhile now and suffice to say I’m sold on visiting China where as previously I was sort of 50/50. I know if you read something enough your going to want it (I only need to see chocolate written an i want it, sorry to anybody else that is the same), but with blogs I think its an even greater pulling force. This person has actually done all these things just check the pictures for proof. You can also interact with them by commenting.

When you then add in the fact most of us already have the travel bug and look for any excuse to not be in our country of birth, its almost like our own personal kind of drug. What do you think?



  1. UBERVU - SOCIAL COMMENTS - February 10, 2010

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