Easter has been saved and the friendly little Easter Chick has been returned to his role helping the Easter Bunny. I’d like to thank everybody for the RT’s on Twitter and for sharing the competition across Facebook. I hope that if you took part in the competition that it was as much fun for you as it was for me creating it. I want to give a BIG BIG thank […]
Archive | April, 2010
Travel Blogger Friday 17

As backpackers, flashpackers, tourists… whatever we are, you try and do all sorts of amazing things while abroad. Some choose to drink their weight in beer. Others set a pace only a sprinter could match, visiting every museum and attraction they can find. Sabiina over at www.solofemaletraveler.com took it a step further and recently spent the night in a haunted room no less. Now I’m not superstitious but the thought […]
Another Reason to Wander a City

Wandering off while travelling is something I can’t wait to do, just me and my day pack, exploring the area I find myself in. Seasoned backpackers reel off amazing stories from moments about when they got lost or just went for a walk. I too want those same adventures and stories but knew I must wait my turn. Then the other week I found my first story, and all I […]