The irish road trip is somewhat of a must do if you are planning to visit the emerald isle. Sure there is train and bus links to many parts of the country but to really SEE Ireland, you need to get out there on your own and drive it. Having your own car frees you to drive little scenic roads, take as much time as you want at the many […]
Tag Archives | road trip
Tips For An American Road Trip
March 11, 2013 | POSTED IN Travel Tips
We’ve all watched movies about taking off on that great American road trip. Some were great movies others were well.. not. Still even as an Australian I loved the idea of taking off on the road with a couple of friends to explore and get a feel for the big old US of A. Now I can finally say I’ve had the chance to experience that little dream while in […]
My First Visit To America
August 6, 2012 | POSTED IN Travel Thoughts

I’ve watched TV shows and movies coming out of America ever since I was born. With that kind of allure to a country started so young it stood to reason that at some time in my travels I was going to plan a visit to America to see if what I’d seen could hold a bar to the real thing. So how does one undertake their first trip to America […]