As I’ve just recently passed my 12 months of pretending to be a travel blogger, I’ve found myself searching the travel alleyways for other new travel blogs that I can follow and relive my earlier travel planning days. On this search I have found some great blogs that even at their early stage have me coming back each week to read. So this week I want to share Ashlea’s blog, […]
Tag Archives | Germany
Featured Photo: Glockenspiel, Munich

Just like Prague has its Astronomical Clock Munich has the Glockenspiel. Sitting high up on the New Town Hall the Glockenspiel tells two stories as its many bells, chimes and life size characters perform. The first is the marriage of Duke Wilhelm V (founder of the HofbrÀuhaus) to Renata of Lorraine complete with jousting knights. The second story represents the dance that the first people to venture back into the […]
Featured Photo: Berlin Graffiti

Just a sample of some of the amazing graffiti that adorns so many parts of Berlin. From encompassing entire buildings like the one above, to small pieces scattered along alleys and walkways all across the city. If your in Berlin, be sure to stop and take some time to check it out. One place I can recommend is Tacheles, a hive of artwork and creativity.
The Alternative Walking Tour of Berlin

Just like Amsterdam it was cold and wet when I packed up to leave the hostel I was in and head across to the same one as D. The problem was only compounded after I got lost yet again trying to find the place. I really think I should have invested in a local sim card for my phone so I can use the built in GPS on my iPhone […]