Being Australian I can’t wait to escape the place to be honest. What with all our open space, hot weather and free flowing beer. Hang on why did I leave again… Anyway while thousands of Australian’s escape to Asia for a cheap stay and a bit of fun or head to Europe for the history and splendor we lack, many foreigners make the long flight to Australia. One such foreigner […]
Archive | Blog Love
Travel Blogger Friday 21

My RTW trip was planned out. I knew when I was doing things, when I was going to buy my plane ticket and my backpack etc and lastly when I was finishing up at my work. This is the same for the majority of current #RTWsoon planners as well. Now Jeannie from was in the same basket, that was until her work decided it was time to lay her […]
Travel Blogger Friday 20

On the eve of my departure for Europe (less than 26 hours to go, but who’s counting) I figured I need to leave you with a pretty awesome travel blogger. Not that the past 19 weren’t already awesome but I just feel like this one needed to be extra special. This week I’m featuring the lovable Andi from Now I’m not just mentioning Andi because she got her clothes […]
Travel Blogger Friday 19

Some make me laugh, others captivate me with their writing and a select few actually return my messages. This week’s Travel Blogger Friday star covers off on all 3 of those and a lot more. Abbey runs the incredibly awesome blog No not that sort of baggage… oh hang on, nah I’m sure she means her backpack. Anyway along with having a gosh darn cool looking blog, Abbey’s also […]
Travel Blogger Friday 18

I’ve never been a backpacker. Sure I was a good Scout back in the day but hiking over a mountain pales in comparison to what I’m about to embark on. Travelling to a different country that is across the other side of the world, where they don’t speak your language is as far removed from my comfort zone as possible. Helping me get some perspective on what backpacking is was […]
Travel Blogger Friday 17

As backpackers, flashpackers, tourists… whatever we are, you try and do all sorts of amazing things while abroad. Some choose to drink their weight in beer. Others set a pace only a sprinter could match, visiting every museum and attraction they can find. Sabiina over at took it a step further and recently spent the night in a haunted room no less. Now I’m not superstitious but the thought […]