Rome was my last stalwart of the major iconic cities to see in Europe. I’d been to Paris, London, Berlin and many more but for some reason Rome was always the “yeah I’ll get there soon” kinda city. I don’t know why when it’s filled with such amazing sights like the Colosseum. Standing before the Colosseum, one of the most well-known symbols of Rome it’s hard to believe that it […]
Archive | May, 2012
Seeing a Doctor in the UK

You’ve moved to the UK to live, the visa sticker is still fresh in your passport and you know the guide book back to front. The travel bug and lure of living abroad has firmly taken hold and the life of a traveller is born. But what if another sort of bug bites, one that requires you to see a doctor in the UK. Are you ready for that? I’ll […]
A Pub With A View

There is nothing more relaxing for me than sitting in a pub with a view and a nice cold beer. So with that said take a look at the image above and imagine where it might have been taken. Australia, perhaps the Caribbean or even somewhere in America. What if I was to tell you it came from England, South Devon to be exact. For this is indeed true. I […]
Ferry Travel is Pretty Sweet

As an Australian we generally think of travelling long distances via planes, trains or buses. It’s built into our DNA because even though we live in a country where the majority of the population live near the water, they are the only forms of transport to get from point A to point B. Enter Europe with its maze of transport options that include ferry travel. I’ll be honest though, it […]
Inside the Basilica Cistern Istanbul

The Basilica Cistern is located in the Sultanahmet district of Istanbul not far from Hagia Sophia in the heart of what was both the Byzantium and Ottoman Empires. With a steady cool temperature inside this is the place to come and escape the warm Turkish summer when you’ve been out exploring all day. With the low lighting it makes for some amazing photos but watch for the crowds as there […]
Historic Oxford

Humble beginning make for amazing stories and that is just what you have in historic Oxford. A city’s name forged out of the practicality that in the time of the Saxon’s they used Oxford’s very spot to cross their Oxen at the Ford. These days when you mention the name Oxford most people think of the university. It’s hard to fault them for that given Oxford University is the oldest […]