When the offer to go touring Glasgow landed in my inbox I nearly jumped out of my chair at work and gave myself a Hi 5. You see originally I’d intended to split my two year working holiday visa between Scotland and England. Alas plans changed so much that after 18 months abroad this was my first foray into the northern country. Armed with a train ticket provided by Red […]
Archive | December, 2011
Lund Main Square At Sunset
December 8, 2011 | POSTED IN Featured Photos

While in Sweden recently I managed to snap a few sunset photos as it gets dark so early in the winter. This one, taken in the Main Square of Lund happened around 3 – 3:30pm. Having lived in the UK for some time now I’m getting used to the sun setting earlier than it does back home in Australia. When it’s going down closer to lunch time than dinner time […]